Planetary’s OAE Technology Assessed Against the CarbonPlan CDR Verification Framework

Jun 12, 2023
Company Updates

CarbonPlan’s Verification Framework (VF) inventorises the uncertainties affecting various carbon dioxide removal (CDR) pathways, assesses the impact of each uncertainty on the quantification of net removals, and categorizes the overall quantification capacity of each method using a Verification Confidence Level (VCL). In the September 2022 first release of the VF, Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) by […]

Healing our Oceans, Healing our Climate: An Ambitious Call for All Hands on Deck

Jun 07, 2023

The ocean is a powerful, nurturing force. It provides us with every second breath we take, it shapes our weather, and it is home to an incredible array of wildlife. However, our ocean is also on the front lines of climate change, absorbing carbon dioxide and heat to regulate the Earth’s climate. The theme of […]

Survey work in St Ives Bay

Safety and scientific rigour are at the heart of the proposed Planetary project to restore the climate and the ocean using Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE). In May 2023, Planetary carried out baseline survey work in St Ives Bay, as previously announced. This work marked the next step in our longer-term monitoring programme in St. Ives […]

Trust and Verify

Mar 24, 2023

    We won’t conduct studies that we think are likely to cause harm. That simply would go against everything we believe in – our code of conduct, the scientific method, our dedication to restore the ocean.    Nonetheless, we still need to monitor and record our activities in the ocean – both to be […]

The Moral Question of Carbon Removal

Mar 24, 2023

One question that we have received lately, which caused us a little pause, is around the moral hazard of carbon removal. People here at Planetary have made a choice to fight against climate change and generally we agree with the IPCC that carbon removal is necessary. However, we feel it’s a good idea to reflect […]

Cornwall Research Study Kickoff

Planetary Technologies is excited to engage with the community in Cornwall and Hayle, UK as we kick off our upcoming research study! The research we are currently undertaking is critically important if we are going to collectively meet our climate goals around the world and we are excited to be connecting with the community on […]

Introducing Planetary’s Ocean CDR MRV Protocol – A Breakthrough in Carbon Removal

We are excited to announce the release of the world’s first Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal (oCDR) Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Protocol designed to allow Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement projects to deliver carbon removals, ensuring their accuracy and transparency. The open-source protocol provides clear guidelines for developing ocean CDR projects, including how to calculate carbon removal […]

Planetary Nominated for Earthshot Prize by PDIE Group

Feb 01, 2023
Company Updates

We are so proud to be nominated for the Revive our Oceans Earthshot thanks to PDIE Group About Earthshot:Launched by Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and The Royal Foundation in 2020, the Earthshot Prize is the most prestigious global environment prize in history. It is designed to incentivise change and help repair our planet over […]

How to Address Climate Change Fast Enough

Oct 18, 2022

Trust. We commit to a code of conduct so you can trust that we’ll do the right thing. The race against climate change isn’t getting any easier, but the world is making some progress, and this gives me hope. The pendulum of public support continues to swing toward action. Youth around the world are driving […]

More Than Money: The Real Value of XPRIZE

The XPRIZE isn’t about money. It’s about improving our odds in the race against climate change.   Something I’ve learned in this race is that healing the climate is complicated. Like really really complicated. As the saying goes, it is easier to make a mess than to clean it up, and society has already gone […]