Planetary’s OAE Technology Assessed Against the CarbonPlan CDR Verification Framework

Jun 12, 2023
Company Updates

…assessment. Under the “Key uncertainty components” the lighter shaded boxes with no border indicate the impact range for each component from VF V2, while the overlying, darker shaded boxes indicate…

“Big Brains in the Room” – Dalhousie and Planetary win XPrize Milestone

…ocean. This is where Dalhousie’s Aquatron became an extremely valuable asset. The largest university aquatic research facility in Canada, the Aquatron is comprised of six large tanks holding a combined…

Climate Tech Startup Planetary Technologies Wins Million Dollar XPRIZE Carbon Removal Milestone Award

…store carbon as a natural component of ocean chemistry. Planetary will use the $1 million prize to achieve a full-scale demonstration of its technology. Along with removing and storing carbon,…

Survey work in St Ives Bay

…any alkalinity addition, can be compared. In addition to creating a baseline in terms of time, we create a baseline in terms of space, where we can compare any changes…

Initial Ecotoxicological Testing Results

…Encouraging Information on Marine Interaction While not a complete measure of biological safety, ecotoxicological data represent one type of information that helps Planetary develop conservative safety guardrails. Combined with other…

OceanShot: Planetary Wins Ocean Startup Challenge

…and initiated one of the greatest mobilizations of scientists and innovators in US history, The Ocean Startup Project launched their OceanShot competition. The OceanShot competition, hosted in collaboration with the…